Publications 2010-2020


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The Lancet Neurology's 230 research works with 707 citations and 536 reads, including: Long COVID: understanding the neurological effects Full-Function Web-Enabled Manuscript Submission and Tracking System for Peer Review BMC Neurology is part of the BMC series which publishes subject-specific journals focused on the needs of individual research communities across all areas of biology and medicine. We do not make editorial decisions on the basis of the interest of a study or its likely impact. Journal Impact Factor List 2019. Here is the latest Impact Factor List of 2019 provided by the Journal Citation Report (JCR).

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JCR was earlier published as Science Citation Index, and now it is published by Clarivate Analytics, a Web of Science Group. Impact Factor Calculations We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content. By continuing, you agree to the use of cookies. To learn more, visit our Cookies page. This page was processed by aws-apollo4 in 0.016 seconds 0.016 seconds I am not an expert in the medical field; but I have heard of the Lancet and it’s high ethical standards, their articles are peer reviewed, and there are recorded incidents of articles being withdrawn by the authors when they found out that the dat Here You will find a list of all available journals concerning Neurology ranked by their current Impact Factor.

The impact factor (IF) or journal impact factor (JIF) of an academic journal is a scientometric factor based on the yearly average number of citations on articles published by a particular journal in the last two years. Lancet Infectious Diseases Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed information and journal factor.

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combination with psychosocial factors is important to take into consideration at the start Lancet Neurol., 8, 959-968. Kategorisering av tumören; neuropatologi .

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Lancet neurology impact factor

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11 Jul 2019 Similarly, control of cardiovascular risk factors from middle age In the early years of neurology, apoplexy was thought to originate factors.Lancet Neurol. Long-Term Clinical Impact of Vascular Brain Lesions on 12 Jun 2009 Keywords: NeurologyRefractory epilepsyEpilepsy surgery Clinical and EEG predictive factors of refractoriness are red flags in the context of epilepsy others do not feel that seizures have a severe impact on their q The Lancet Neurology is the leading journal in clinical neurology.
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ISSN: 1759-4758. The Lancet Neurology citation style guide with bibliography and in-text referencing examples: Journal articles Books Book chapters Reports Web pages. PLUS: Download citation style files for your favorite reference manager. Read the latest articles of The Lancet Neurology at, 30.039 Impact Factor.

14·789. 14·93 The impact factor (IF) 2018 of The Lancet Neurology is 25.94, which is computed in 2019 as per it's definition. The Lancet Neurology IF is decreased by a factor of 1.46 and approximate percentage change is -5.33% when compared to preceding year 2017, which shows a falling trend.

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Utskriftsversion av Folkhälsorapport 2019

KAJ BLENNOW, professor i neurokemi, menar att antal citeringar främst är ”impact factor”, som beror på det genomsnittliga antalet citeringar per artikel The Lancet Neurology, men då hade vi redan tappat 4–5 månader. Derivation and utility of an Aβ-PET pathology accumulation index to estimate Aβ load. The impact of demographic, clinical, genetic, and imaging variables on tau PET Zetterberg H, Hansson O, Rosa-Neto P, Blennow K. Lancet Neurol.